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Mobile in Clinical Trials

Date: Sep 16, 2024

Location: Philadelphia, PA

Day: Monday, September 16, 2024
Showing Events in 1 Track from 07:45am to 09:45am
Morning General Session
Showing Events in 1 Track from 09:45am to 10:15am
Grand Opening Break and Networking
Showing Events in 1 Track from 10:15am to 12:05pm
Morning General Session Continued
Showing Events in 1 Track from 12:05pm to 01:05pm
Lunch and Networking
Showing Events in 2 Tracks from 01:05pm to 01:40pm
Track 1: AI Integration in Mobile Tech Panel
Track Chair:
Dan Eversole, PhD, Associate Director, Digital Strategy, Takeda
Track 2: New Novel Endpoints & Digital Biomarkers Panel
Showing Events in 1 Track from 01:40pm to 03:55pm
Afternoon Track Choices
Showing Events in 2 Tracks from 01:40pm to 02:20pm
Track 1
Track Chair:
Dan Eversole, PhD, Associate Director, Digital Strategy, Takeda
Track 2
Showing Events in 1 Track from 02:35pm to 03:00pm
Afternoon Break and Networking
Showing Events in 2 Tracks from 03:00pm to 03:40pm
Track 1 Continued
Track 2 Continued
Showing Events in 1 Track from 03:55pm to 05:45pm
Afternoon General Session
Showing Events in 1 Track from 05:45pm to 05:50pm
End of Conference
Showing Events in 1 Track from 07:45am to 09:45am
Morning General Session
Showing Events in 1 Track from 09:45am to 10:15am
Showing Events in 1 Track from 12:05pm to 01:05pm
Showing Events in 1 Track from 02:35pm to 03:00pm
Showing Events in 1 Track from 05:45pm to 05:50pm

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